This refers to the strategies used in an academic setting to facilitate relaying information between teachers and students. I believe teaching strategies are important, as the chosen method can make learning a particular topic more insightful and clear while also reducing the time needed for understanding.

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

The methods that worked for me:

  • It’s important to consider the teaching methods used based on the type of class. For example, a hands-on teaching approach has been particularly helpful for me when learning how a tool works or replicating real-life scenarios that are difficult to explain through traditional teaching methods. Also, sometimes the teaching method may be bias to teacher-centered or student-centered methods. The superior method is the teacher-student interactive method,where students would do their own discovery-learning that is then supplemented with the teacher’s information (Ganyaupfu & Department of Economic and Business Sciences; PC Training & Business College; South Africa, 2013).
  • A holistic approach to teaching has been essential to my learning. The way teachers choose to relay information plays a crucial role in maximizing understanding. For example, providing optional resources such as YouTube videos that present information in an engaging way can be especially helpful. Additionally, supplementing in-class learning with field trips to enhance understanding has been greatly appreciated.

Networked Pedagogy

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Network pedagogy enables a rich learning experience by connecting information among people through a digital space. This approach fosters diversity and provides exposure to different methods, resources, and learning strategies. Social media offers real-time updates on information, allowing for quicker access. For example, if there are any new archaeological discoveries, social media would be updated much faster than a textbook. Additionally, blogs and social media are more interactive and engaging, which helps me form meaningful connections with the material. Finding a niche has also allowed me to create meaningful connections with like-minded people globally. This encourages us to continuously update new information and keeps the eagerness for learning alive.

Social Learning Theory

Social learning theory has been especially helpful for me. Listening to others allows me to expand my educational perspective beyond my initial way of learning and applying information. For example, in this class, visiting other people’s blogs has inspired me to experiment with different formats for presenting information in my own blog. This also encourages me to be more interactive with others and diversify my learning approach.

Roles of the Instructor

Course design and planning: The resources should be user-friendly to locate, with a clear update on the progress of the student

Facilitating learning: Be active in the course by implementing activities, with regular updates to offer support. Studies have shown that instructor presence aids in retention and social presence of peers (Beege et al., 2023).

Building community: Establish an open learning environment among the students. Creating active learning strategies that encourages team-work among the peers

This article provides an in-depth description of the various roles of online instructors.

Based on past experiences, my online learning experience has improved over time. Some instructors struggled to adapt to online spaces in the past, which sometimes caused issues. However, for the most part, it has been a positive experience. That said, it was particularly harder for courses that required a more hands-on approach

Exploring Digital Spaces

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Digital learning has broadened my appreciation for education. Being able to access different resources and ideas from social platforms has allowed for a myriad of accessible information.

Pros: Diverse and accessible information

Cons: Incorrect information from social media platforms and conflicting information across online resources.

My contribution to the digital space is to be cooperative and open to discussions about ideas. I also aim to be more interactive and resourceful when gathering information, as well as to give back by updating any misinformation I may have provided.


Beege, M., Schroeder, N. L., Heidig, S., Rey, G. D., & Schneider, S. (2023). The instructor presence effect and its moderators in instructional video: A series of meta-analyses. Educational Research Review41, 100564.

Ganyaupfu, E. M. & Department of Economic and Business Sciences; PC Training & Business College; South Africa. (2013). Teaching methods and students’ academic performance. In International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (Issue 9, pp. 29–35).